Be Strong & Believe™ Bouquet


Inspire minds and unite hearts with this bold and beautiful fresh flower bouquet! Bringing together a gorgeous mix of bright flowers, including hot pink roses, hot pink mini carnations, pink matsumoto asters, fuchsia carnations, and white LA Hybrid Lilies, offset by lush greens, this flower arrangement is set to make a standout gift. Presented in an aqua colored glass vase accented with special tags around the neck that read, “Be Strong & Believe,” this bouquet is ready to create a wonderful get well, inspirational, or thinking of you gift. GOOD bouquet is approx. 12″ x 11″W. BETTER bouquet is approx. 14″H x 12″W. BEST bouquet is approx. 14″H x 13″W.

SKU: IN1 Categories: , Product ID: 2526

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