Color Rush™ Bouquet


Dazzling and delightful, this bold and colorful flower bouquet is set to impress with it’s high impact look and graceful styling. Hot pink carnations, orange carnations, pale pink gilly flower, hot pink mini carnations, green button poms, and lush greens are beautifully arranged in a raspberry pink glass cubed vase to create a rush of fun and warm wishes to send straight to your recipient’s door. Ready to celebrate a birthday, extend your congratulations wishes, or to simply say thank you! GOOD bouquet includes 12 stems. Approx. 9″H x 9″W. BETTER bouquet includes 16 stems. Approx. 9″H x 10″W. BEST bouquet includes 18 stems. Approx. 11″H x 13″W. BEST bouquet includes orange roses

SKU: N/A Category: Product ID: 2736

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