Happiness™ Bouquet


Shine a light and send happy wishes to your recipient today, captured in each sunlit bloom of this simply beautiful flower bouquet. Bi-colored yellow and orange roses mingle with peach Asiatic Lilies, hot pink gerbera daisies, orange carnations, purple mini carnations, and lush greens arranged to perfection in a rectangular woodchip basket to create a truly cheerful moment. A great way to say happy birthday, get well, or thank you! GOOD bouquet includes 11 stems. Approx. 9″H x 10″W. BETTER bouquet includes 15 stems. Approx. 10″H x 11″W. BEST bouquet includes 18 stems. Approx. 11″H x 13″W.

SKU: C9-5165 Category: Product ID: 2511

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