Instant Happiness™ Bouquet


It’s impossible to feel blue when you have gerbera daisies in your life! The happiest flower on earth, coral gerbera daisies mingle with coral roses, perfectly accented by an artist’s hand with peach hypericum berries, tropical leaves, and curly willow tips arranged beautifully in a dark stained woodchip basket. A stunning display of color and style, this fresh flower bouquet is set to create a wonderful birthday, get well, or thank you gift. GOOD bouquet includes 4 stems. Approx. 17″H x 7″W. BETTER bouquet includes 7 stems. Approx. 18″H x 7″W. BEST bouquet includes 10 stems. Approx. 20″H x 8″W.

SKU: C10-5173 Category: Product ID: 2536

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