Sweetness & Light™ Bouquet


Embrace the sweetness of life with this gorgeous array of blushing blooms set to celebrate any of your special occasions with style and grace. Hot pink roses are paired with pink Asiatic Lilies, surrounded by hot pink carnations, lavender chrysanthemums, green button poms, pink mini carnations, and lush greens presented in a hot pink cylinder ceramic vase to create a colorful and lively floral arrangement. A beautiful birthday, anniversary, or thank you gift! GOOD bouquet includes 14 stems. Approx. 11″H x 11″W. BETTER bouquet includes 16 stems. Approx. 12″H x 12″W. BEST bouquet includes 21 stems. Approx. 13″H x 13″W.

SKU: N/A Category: Product ID: 2923

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