The FTD® Lavender Luxe™ Luxury Bouquet


There is a certain sophistication this piece that is both artistic in design, but also has that garden gorgeous appeal that will draw your special recipient’s attention. The colors in this design blend into each other throughout the bouquet, allowing the eyes to not only take in the full picture, but also move across it, as each bloom draws focus to this incredible floral gift. Presented in a light blue glass vase that helps to reflect the light up and around each flower, this bouquet is rich in design and style to help you send a gift that is truly unforgettable. GOOD bouquet includes 17 stems with vase. Approx. 18″H x 16″W. BETTER bouquet includes 25 stems with vase. Approx. 19″H x 17″W.

SKU: LX152 Categories: , Product ID: 3415

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