The FTD® Sweet Perfection™ Bouquet


As perfect as a summer day, this flower arrangement has a sweet look and style that is set to delight your recipient with each bold bloom. Bright red gerbera daisies, carnations, mini carnations, and roses catch the eye against a back drop of clean white daisies, gilly flower, and limonium, accented with lush greens. Presented in a red glass vase tied with a red and white gingham ribbon for that extra special touch, this beautiful flower bouquet is ready to celebrate a birthday, anniversary, or as a way to send your congratulations wishes. GOOD bouquet includes 14 stems. Approx. 15″H x 13″W. BETTER bouquet includes 18 stems. Approx. 16″H x 14″W. BEST bouquet includes 22 stems. Approx. 17″H x 15″W.

SKU: C15-5182 Category: Product ID: 2601

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