The FTD® Sweeter Than Ever™ Bouquet


Beckoning with sunlit grace and beauty, this warm and uplifting bouquet is ready to offer cheer and flowering elegance to your recipient today. A collection of pink blooms, including Peruvian Lilies, carnations, mini carnations, and roses, are highlighted by yellow and white chrysanthemums, yellow solidago, and lush greens for a winning affect they will adore. Presented in a classic clear glass vase, this lovely bouquet is set to create a wonderful birthday, thank you, or get well gift! GOOD bouquet includes 17 stems. Approx. 15″H x 12″W. BETTER bouquet includes 20 stems. Approx. 16″Hx 12″W. BEST bouquet includes 25 stems. Approx. 17″H x 13″W.

SKU: C13-5170 Category: Product ID: 2590

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