Gratitude Grows™ Bouquet


Blooming with rich color and undeniable texture, this stunning bouquet expresses love and gratitude with each perfect flower. Blue Iris, fragrant purple gilly flower, purple Peruvian Lilies, purple bi-color carnations, green spider chrysanthemums, clusters of pink wax flower, and lush greens create a fascinating display presented in a deep purple glass vase with modern lines to create a sophisticated look. A wonderful thank you or thinking of you gift! GOOD bouquet includes 12 stems. Approx. 20″H x 15″W. BETTER bouquet includes 16 stems. Approx. 20″H x 15″W. BEST bouquet includes 21 stems. Approx. 21″h x 16″W.

SKU: D3-5204 Categories: , , Product ID: 2863

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