Love In Bloom™ Bouquet


Elegant and refined, this beautiful bouquet expresses love’s every wish with it’s array of sweet blooms. Pale pink roses, and hot pink spray roses look picture perfect surrounded by white hydrangea, peach hypericum berries, and pink limonium stylishly arranged in a raspberry hued glass cubed vase. An excellent way to say, “I love you,” celebrate an anniversary, or let your recipient know they are always on your mind! GOOD bouquet includes 6 stems. Approx. 9″H x 11″W. BETTER bouquet includes 9 stems. Approx. 10″H x 12″W. BEST bouquet includes 12 stems. Approx. 11″H x 14″W.

SKU: C13-5161 Categories: , , Product ID: 2937

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