The FTD® Love is Grand™ Bouquet


Love makes the world go ’round and this fresh flower arrangement is out to prove it with it’s deep, romantic coloring and, oh, so sophisticated styling. Rich red roses mingle with red Peruvian Lilies, hot pink carnations, purple statice, red hypericum berries, liatris, and lush greens, elegantly arranged in ruby red glass vase to create an impactive visual affect. Bursting with love from every bloom, this bouquet is out to create a standout anniversary, birthday, or, “I love you,” gift. GOOD bouquet includes 22 stems. Approx. 19″H x 12″W. BETTER bouquet includes 26 stems. Approx. 20″H x 14″W. BEST bouquet includes 30 stems. Approx. 21″H x 15″W.

SKU: C20-5178 Categories: , , Product ID: 2621

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